Healing Trauma through Connecting with the Womb
Naomi Love is a teacher, mentor and facilitator of healing and sacred space. Her work is focused womb medicine that brings upon transformational healing in the mind, body and spirit. Our conversation this week is incredibly rich, be sure to find a quiet space to fully experience the sample guided womb meditation towards the middle of the episode.
In this week’s episode we talk about:
Reclaiming womb space, clearing out what no longer serves
What wise womb medicine is and how it helps womxn of all ages and stages of life
Connecting to ancestors through the womb space and healing ancestral womb wounds
Referring to the womb space with the pronoun of your choice (she, he, they, etc.)
Evoking the womb space for transgender folks to connect and heal past trauma
Working with the spirit of the womb space for women who have experienced hysterectomies
The womb as a hollow suspensory detoxification organ that moves in and out of optimal alignment
How our sexual organs can hold energetic imprints from past experiences
How physical, emotional, and spiritual health is impacted by uterine misalignment
How to determine when your uterus is out of alignment
How uterus blood can indicate our body’s physical health
How the womb holds our wounds and undigested sexual experiences
How repeated self-care and practice can support movement through resistance
Naomi’s guided meditation to meet and activate the womb space
Womb ceremonies as a way to honor the womb
New agism’s focus on honoring the light and bypassing the shadow
Overidentification with the finite self and how to cultivate a stronger connection with the infinite self through nature
Centering and attuning self to heal sacred wounds
The Maiden, Mother, and Crone as a symbol of the divine feminine that can be found in all of us
How honoring our elders has become a missing link in the collective